Hi, I am a PhD candidate at Université Paris 2 Panthéon Assas.

I am currently visiting the London School of Economics and Grantham Research Institute.

My main research areas are Environmental Economics, Public Economics and Finance.

Here is my CV.

Working papers:

Ready for progressive carbon taxes? Footprint definition, support and ethical motives

Presentations (including scheduled) : European Economic Association (EEA), European Assocation of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF), Journées Louis André Gérard Varet (LAGV), International Policy Research conference regarding a UN tax convention (at the Paris School of Economics), Berlin Technische Universität seminar, Grantham RSS seminar at the London School of Economics, Paris Tax Workshop, Paris 2 seminar

Carbon VAT, not carbon taxes: carbon leakage perceptions and border adjustment preferences, with Marianne Guille and William L’Heudé

Preferences and perceptions of green finance frameworks

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